On-Site Congregate Dining

The Carson City Senior Center serves lunch daily, Monday through Friday, from 11:00 AM to 12:30 PM in our dining room.  Hot and cold lunches are served, depending on the season.  For individuals age 60 and over or married to an individual 60 or over, the suggested donation for lunch is $2.25.  Lunch for individuals under age 60 and not married to someone age 60 or over, must pay $6.00 for lunch.  At this time, we do not serve special dietary meals.

Reservations are not required for lunch.  The first time you dine at our Center, we ask some basic information so we can receive reimbursement for your meal.  If you desire to eat here more than once, we issue you a scan card which helps us account for all of our meals.  If you wish to take a meal to-go, bring your own container.

The first Friday of every month we celebrate that month's birthdays.  It is a festive occasion for our seniors with a lovely meal.  Ice cream and cake are also served.  The oldest male and female celebrating their birthday are crowned King and Queen for the month.

Click HERE for this month's menu!